Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Stats based on market replay

I know, easy to do after the fact, right? I did my best to do stats based on market replay using my rules as if I were trading live including some discretion against the rules based on price action. I will be "back in the office" tomorrow ready to go.

You start your statistics tracking yet? :)


  1. Gary, is 8.39am meant to be 8.29am? (9.29 ET)?.
    So I am clear: 1 contract now. Is the target a predefined point or when a bar closes on other side of your GMA. I know u talk about when AA changes color, but I have read that as not something u hve done yet.

  2. For stops: U don't move your initial stop - correct? Either a bar closes on other side of GMA ie the target or your stop is hit - correct? If so, then how come u get small losses and some BE's?

    Do u typically only take trades with the trend?

  3. Hey Stephen,

    There is no pre-defined target, I have one in mind, but wait until I get a close on the other side of GMA in the opposite direction of my trade. - With regards to AA keeping me in, I am only mentally tracking this as a way to allow me to stay in longer and survive more pullbacks. - Last, I don't normally move my initial stop to more than 12 unless price action tells me to move it to move it to 14 ticks, for example, for best chances (ie just above a double top). - Small losses and B/E: this is because price moved enough to move my GMA, but a high close on a short for example happen to be B/E or small loss. In other words, if I get a close on the other side of GMA right away, I will exit with B/E or small loss. I am still working on how to best handle this type of situation. - With regards to your last question, I take both trend and counter-trend, but have been pushing myself to only take trades with trend lately (on the right side of AA). Hope this helps. I will post some more charts soon.

  4. And, yes, the time is CST AM.

  5. Ok, and when are you going to trade again, lazy man ?
    Is it too hot or what ?
